Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Foods that lower your cholesterol and Foods that raise your good cholesterol

Good Cholesterol

Foods that lower your cholesterol and Foods that raise your good cholesterol

Lets start with the basic Rule no 1 Sip green tea or lunch on a few nuts to fight bad cholesterol.

High blood lipids (Cholesterol or triglycerides) require a combination of diet and exercise as initial treatment. Reducing dietary calories and intake of saturated fat, and consuming a high fiber diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables are obvious first steps. Other dietary measures exist, and here is an overview of the most popular ones, that without fail you should stick to if you are really so serious about your health.

Fish and Fish oils: 

The AHA recommends at least two servings of fatty fish per week to prevent heart disease. The omega 3 fatty acids in fish lower bad cholesterol and triglycerides. Fish oil supplements which contain massive amounts of omega 3 fatty acids are recommended only in refractory hyp0ertiriglyceridemia and are not meant for the general population. Vegetarian sources of omega-3 fatty acids include canola oil, soybean oil, flax seed oil and nuts.

Consuming moderate amounts of nuts definitely helps lower cholesterol, particularly the bad cholesterol. One study showed that taking 20 percent of daily calories from a PU FA rich source like almonds or walnuts significantly lowered the bad lipids, green tea, has a similar beneficial effect.


Something that smells this bad ought to do something good, and garlic indeed has many healthful properties, but lowering cholesterol is not one of them. Sorry, and the same goes for soy protein, which has only a minor effect on blood cholesterol, soy protein is a great food, i do agree but it is not worth having just for the sake of cholesterol.


Guggulipid made from the resin of the mukul myrrh tree, is a controversial product. Indian studies attest to its cholesterol lowering effect, but American research does not bear it out. More over, there are questions about the quality of the Indian research that led to the claims of health benefit of the product.

Red Yeast Rice:

This is a fermented rice dish popular in Chineese cuisine. It contains monacolins, which are substances with HMG CoA reductase inhibitor activity similar to that of the statin drugs used to lower blood cholesterol. Unfortunately not all strains of the rice have the same activity, and extracts of red yeast rice are poorly standardised.

Calcium supplements:

Calcium supplements improve the composition of blood lipids and a diet high in calcium is inversely associated with cardiovascular risk. However, in postmentopaiusal woman who are the chief target of calcium and Vitamin D supplements, there is no reduction of cardio vascular risk with such supplements.

Friday, 13 September 2013

how to keep weight off after dieting

Even though weight loss is a big burden to all, some how we find a solution and do something to reduce our weight, and most of all techniques that we use to lose weight, dieting stands above everything and without any doubt everyone will agree to this technique.

But the major part of our weight loss program doesn't stop there, the very important portion of this weight loss program is maintaining your weight after dieting.

You have dieted, exercised and slogged your way to the new you. You look better and glow as compliments come your way. But your joy is short lived. Within a few months, you see some of the weight slowly creeping back. The basement of You and your fundamentals starts shaking up. You panic, feel frustrated and immediately put  yourself on a crash diet. Sounds familiar? This is the common case of you and me and everyone. It's a pattern numerous dieters readily identify with to lose weight on a diet and then put it straight back on as soon as they return to their regular eating habits.  Now every one of us know that losing weight  is not as difficult as keeping the weight off after dieting. Do you agree?

If you nudge your head so fast, the key to maintaining your weight loss is to focus on permanent and realistic lifestyle changes. Of course, it is point blankly true that dieting will always help to lose weight, so you cannot follow a restrictive diet forever. It is equally important that you do not resume the diet and lifestyle you had before your weight loss. To keep weight off after dieting you need to permanently embrace the principles that helped you lose weight, proper eating and regular exercising.  For instance you might have been sticking to fruits as snacks when you felt hungry, then why you should opt now for burger, and sandwiches.  You might have been counting the staircase steps when you are on weight loss program, now you will be using the elevator.

Also don't ignore food portions and calorie counting once you stop dieting. But this doesn't mean that you have to stay away from the food for which your mouth waters, just make sure you have them in moderation. Taste it for the love, don't belly with it. It's always very simple and easy to keep weight off with a realistic and flexible eating plan.

       The method that you have used for losing weight plays a major role in helping you maintain the lost weight. If you have corrected your metabolism by detoxification and subsequently nourished your body with vitamins, minerals, anti oxidants with the help of health promoting food plan and exercise, you are more likely to keep weight off and maintain your lost weight as you have corrected your metabolism. However, if you have gone under die hard crash dieting plan and eaten less, you have more chances of putting the weight you lost.

       Your diet should include losts of fruits and vegetables. Whole grains, lean protein such as chicken and fish. Also, fibre rich food such as green leafy vegetables, fruits, beans, bran and whole grains fill you up and keep your digestive system healthy. Minimise intake of red meat.

        Minimise fat intake, it helps to keepo your weight stable and reduces your risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. Opt for low fat dairy products such as skimmed milk and low fat youghurt.

        Avoid fried, processed, and fast food. Instead bake, grill or steam food. Replace sugary and salty snacks with fruits or whole grain crackers. Avoid or limit alcohol and colas both add unwanted calories.

         Exercise regularly, don't think that it should be done only to lose weight, but it is  important to keep weight off after dieting also. People who exercise find it easier to maintain their weight loss as compared to those who do not do. Being physically active helps you not only to burn calories, it also boosts your resting metabolic rate which means your body is working even when you actually are not.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

How to lose tummy of belly fat fast

Inside every fat man, it is said there is a thin man wildly and hopelessly signalling to be let out. I am sure that many of the readers who are unable to see, even on a clear and sunlit day, their toes without the intervening mounds of their tummy will agree with the above bit.

The progressive and depressing girth of the middle region has even been used as the deciding term for middle age, where it is said that the mind goes narrow and the wist broad, Billions and billions of dollars are spent all over the world in the never ending search for new ways to get rid of the unsightly tummy.

Common causes for belly fat

Here i will discuss the common causes for the tummy, how to prevent getting a particularly large one yourself, and if you are cursed with one what you can do to separate yourself from it.

The abdominal region (as the tummy area or belly area is known) is endowed with thick insulating layers of fat. Though the number of fat cells is genetically determined the fact remains that the dietary intake and nutritional status of the individual determine the size of each individual cell. Thus two individuals might have same number of fat cells occupying the tummy or belly, but one will appear slimmer as his fat cells are not fully swollen up.

This is the primary basis of dietary regulation of one's figure. You must understand that any amount of dieting, therefore, has only a temporary effect, and swelling the fat cells by stuffing yourself continuously will get rid of the effects of any amount of dieting in a short period of time. The two common reasons for protuberant bulge in the abdomen is accumulation of abdominal fat or hernia. Chronologically, after childbirth, an increased amount of fat is deposited in the abdomen especially the lower part of it, ie below belly button. This occurs in women all over the world.

With women, quite often the sagging belly acquired after the first childbirth continues to be a women's faithful companion, almost for the rest of her life. there is some evidence to say that an increased dietary intake after pregnancy contributes to excess fat increase in this area.

The loss of tone of the abdominal muscles that was caused by pregnancy also exaggerates the fat factor, and causes the sagging shape of the belly in women.  Among men the fat deposition is a little different it occurs as equal prominence in the upper as well lower regions of the belly and is very useful to hide with the belt and also to hide your belt. This type of globular protuberance is, as mentioned earlier, a definite blocking factor between the eyes and the toes.

 Now that we have seen the types of fate deposition in ourselves, what are you going to do about it?

A judicious combination of diet and exercise is in most cases a viable answer to the problem. When we take this as our first step the two major problems in the dietary intake of the average human are fatty substances and oil and ghee. Cutting down these two components will effect a tremendous drop in our diet, causing  reduced deposition fat in and around our belly.

A simple technique is to substitute proteins for our main food and to reduce oil almost completely. Next switch over to AMC cookware, if you are not able to adopt yourself to this total abstinence from fried and deep fried items reduction of oil in the diet to 25- 30% and reducing rice and fatty foods effects a significant drop in your weight.

Change your Diet

It is important to realise that the initial loss of weight when you start dieting is reduction in the water content, and is rapidly reversible. It is best to choose a steady change in diet that you can follow for the rest of your life. Sweets, Sweetmeat and similar items that one keep seeing all over the place3s during our shopping, on our canteens, restaurants are disastrous to dieting. These sweet contains about 70% carbohydrate, and 30% of fat with liberal ghee and sugar a health catastrophe coming in so small package!

For quick results it is best to be totally off sweets for the first two or three months, after which you can introduce the occasional sweet into your diet. Long periods of starvation followed by a massive meal are the best way to have a big belly. The ideal eating pattern is is small meals eaten frequently.

This pattern does not cause a slowing down of the basal metabolic rate, and result in reduced overall caloric intake. It is worth remembering here that the basal  metabolic rate is quite high in the morning and the body easily burns off a heavy breakfast. Lunch should be less heavy and dinner should be the least. It is a shame that our pattern is based on exactly the opposite with breakfast often missed, lunch a heavy meal and dinner often a magnificent repast.

Soya is a very useful and important substitute for food which is often overlooked. Soya is a food that is rich in proteins and has very low fat content with almost no carbohydrate content. It is a very good substitute for meat and mutton, and cab be cooked in a wide variety of forms which pleases the palate without increasing the fat depositions.

Another useful trick is to increase the intake of vegetables and fruits such as guava and apples, here you should note an important point when we say fruits,  fruits like grapes, pineapples and custard apples are quite rich in carbohydrates and fat, and should be avoided. Although there is undoubtedly a carbohydrate sugar called fructose in all fruits, consumption of a temperate amount of fruits in the diet increases the fibre content of the diet and decreases the absorption of sugar and fats from the intestines.

A portion of food that you eat will be excreted out of our being without being fully digested and absorbed, if an adequate amount of fiber is taken in our diet. Fast foods are a health nightmare the average burger and pizza has no fiber, plenty of harmful fat and carbohydrate, and little bit of harmful animal protein.

Avoid fast foods

 It is easy to see how progressive intake of such foods can result in a big belly, similarly aerated drinks contain zero fiber and are loaded with carbohydrates. The combination of fast food and aerated drinks has caused not only a boom of the fast food culture but also a boom in the work for doctors all over the world, to break their heads on your belly issue.  Thanks to the ill effects on their health which includes a fat tummy.  I must also emphasize that calories of alcohol have a pre dilution for going straight to the idle regions which has earned many a man the name of beer belly. It is also well known that alcohol goes along with the number of fried items like peanuts, cheese and beef rolls and all these add to the horrendous calorie intake.

The other option that i think every reader should be aware of is exercise.There is simply no excuse for adult men and women to stop exercising. Surely a half hour exercise, a few times a week cannot be too much. Unfortunately when we spend most of our time glued to the compute monitor or TV exercise is becoming a rarity.

Focused exercises, (ie) focus on the abdominal musculature are a great boon if you want to get  rid of your belly or tummy, which include abdominal crunches, few minutes on the rowing machine and a few minutes on the treadmill. There is some data that exercising the abdominal musculature decreases the fat accumulation over this area, swimming is another exercise that is very good for the same.